Three wines Frutos Villar eligible for the Quality Awards Cigales
Pink Ten, ten breeds and ten young wines under 12 months in barrels of the Cigales of 14 wineries in the name passed to the end of the First Quality Awards Cigales. One from each category will rise with the award for best pink, best red and best red young parenting the Cigales. Three of our wines are selected in as many categories to clinch the award. This is the Pink and breeds Ansúrez Conde and Conde Calderona Ansúrez. The final will be held next Sunday 16 May at the new cultural center Cigales, “Las Peñuelas. The town of Duenas Palencia hosted the precata of 66 red and pink have competed in this new annual event which recognizes the best wines of the Appellation. Specifically, 24 participants pink, 2009, 18 young red wines (up to twelve months in oak) and 24 red breeds (over twelve months in oak) produced by wineries benefiting from the Cigales. The tasting wines that have been selected was passed to the final by three juries of 10 wine experts and winemakers Winemakers Association of Castile and Leon.
In total, 30 professionals under the direction of the president of the Association of Winemakers and Technical Director CRDO Cigales, Agueda del Val. Scores tasting sheets of 30 engineers selected the 10 pink and 20 red wines to be reviewed the end of May 16. It will also be awarded one of the winemakers of the PDO especially for its experience and dedication to the cultivation of vineyards, which is the basis of our excellent wines.