Frutos Villar wines will be at the great taste of El Norte de Castilla in the Millennium Dome next Saturday

Frutos Villar wines can taste Saturday December 17 at the grand tasting of red, rosé and white wines and other quality products of the Earth El Norte de Castilla – organized under the patronage of the municipality of Valladolid and the Office Valladolid wine tourism – in the Valladolid Millennium Dome from the 1930 hours.Under the name of ‘Castilian and Leonese language on everyone’s lips’, the channel of wines from the newspaper,, takes advantage of to promote the wines of the region through this great tasting involving other wineries in the region.To participate there to buy a card that allows you to test five wines among those proposed by the participating wineries and taste the other agri-food products on sale in the commercial Office of North of Castilla Street Platerías, 14, and in the Office of tourist resources of the Acera de Recoletos, both in capital Valladolid.If purchased in advance, from 9 to 16 December, it will cost 3 euros per person, while the price will rise to 5 euros if you buy the same day 17, also at the desk of the Millennium Dome

11 de Dezember de 2011

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